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Debunking the Myth: Cold Calling, Door Knocking, and the ‘Social Media Only’ Real Estate Lie

Don’t you just love those ads that mock traditional real estate lead generation methods like cold calling and door knocking? “It’s not 1987 anymore!” they scoff, as if showing up is so passé. According to these folks, you can toss your phone script and door hangers in the trash because, apparently, all you need to do is strike a pose on Instagram or TikTok, and boom—your business is thriving.

Well, I’m here to tell you that you’re right—there are probably a dozen agents worldwide who have successfully built an empire purely through their social media stardom. Let’s be generous—double or even triple that number. Sure, it’s possible if you’re abnormally beautiful, endlessly creative, or hysterically funny. But let’s face it, most of us don’t have the looks of a supermodel, the wit of a comedian, or the time to churn out viral content. So, if you’re banking on becoming the next social media sensation to fuel your real estate career, let me call it: bullshit.

When I first started in real estate, I was drawn into the “social scams” as well. Why? Because it’s easier. It’s easier not to face new people and talk to strangers. It’s more challenging to face our fears of rejection and the unknown. Guess what? We only grow when we are challenged, so embrace the challenge and opportunity to become the real estate salesperson deserving of those big commission cheques!

Reality Check: Proven Systems Work

Let me bring you back to reality. For every influencer agent flexing their flawless Instagram feed, there are thousands of agents out there making serious money with tried-and-true systems like cold calling, door knocking, and direct mail—yes, even in 2024.

Here’s the deal: you don’t need to be a social media sensation to succeed. You need to know how to talk to people, how to solve their problems, and how to deliver real value. And guess what? Those skills don’t go out of style—no matter how fancy Instagram filters get.


Cold Calling Isn’t Dead (Unless You’re Doing It Wrong)

Is cold calling the most glamorous part of the job? Heck no! But does it work? Absolutely, if done correctly. The key isn’t in spamming every number in your area code with the same tired script. It’s about being genuine, targeted, and solving a real need. When done right, cold calling builds relationships and rapport faster than any double-tap on a social post ever will.

Pro Tip: Personalize your cold call script. Know the neighborhood, mention a recent sale, and offer value that makes the homeowner feel heard. It’s not about you; it’s about them. This small tweak will put you in a league above the lazy “hey, do you want to sell?” calls your competition is making.

door knocking for real estate agents

Door Knocking—Still Alive and Kicking

Now, door knocking—remember that? The one tactic everyone tells you died with fanny packs and mullets? Well, news flash: both are back. And so is door knocking.

There’s a reason top agents still knock on doors—it works. When you show up in person, you create a level of trust that no sponsored ad can replicate. You’re a real, tangible human who cares enough to show up. Plus, it gives you instant feedback. You’ll know pretty quickly if that door you just knocked on is a potential client—or if it’s time to move on.

Pro Tip: Don’t be the robot who knocks and hands over a flyer without any personality. Spark a conversation, ask questions, and genuinely listen. Make your presence about them, not your latest listing.

social media for real estate

Social Media Isn’t Totally Useless (But It’s Not Your Silver Bullet)

Look, I’m not saying social media is a waste of time. It’s a great support tool. Share your successes, showcase your personality, and yes, pretty it up with a filter or two. But social media is a supplement, not a replacement, for real-world prospecting.

Incorporate social media into your day-to-day lead generation—don’t rely on it. Post consistently, but don’t let posting become the job. Use it to keep your sphere of influence warm, promote your open houses, or give a sneak peek into your life as an agent. But if you’re not also picking up the phone or pounding the pavement, you’re leaving business on the table.

Pro Tip: Use social media to enhance your cold calls and door knocking. If you’ve already called or met a homeowner, connect with them on social platforms as a follow-up. You’re already familiar to them, and it keeps you top of mind.

The Secret Sauce: Systems + Consistency = Success

The agents who win aren’t necessarily the ones who do the coolest things; they’re the ones who do the consistent things. They pick up the phone, knock on doors, run systems, and show up where others won’t. They’re not hoping for a viral reel to save their business—they’re putting in the real work, day in and day out.

So, the next time you hear someone bash cold calling or door knocking, roll your eyes and move on. You know better. The key to a thriving real estate business isn’t found in the latest trend—it’s found in the time-tested methods that still work today.

Takeaway: Stop chasing the shiny object syndrome. Incorporate some social media into your routine, but don’t ever think it can replace real-world prospecting. Use the proven systems that have built thousands of successful real estate careers, and get out there. Cold calling, door knocking, mailers—they work, and they work well when done consistently.

Ready to stop wasting time scrolling and start winning listings? Time to get back to the basics, baby!

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